NFS Update!!!!!
25 Jan 1993 15:01:34

Here is the latest update from Thomas in D.C. This information came
in within the last hour. Apparently the Clinton administration has
pulled a 100 possible regs that the Bush admin. had tried to push
through. They don't know if the Forestry service was one of them.
Thomas gave me a bunch of names, addresses and phone numbers for
people to contact. First is to contact by phone and then secondly
by letter.
1. James Macrea
Office of Management and Budget 202-395-5897
New Executive Office Bldg.
725 17th St. NW
Washington, D.C. 50503

2. Ms. Carol Rosco 202-456-2216
The White House
Domestic Policy Advisor
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20500

3. Gordon Small 202-205-1248
14th and Independence Ave. - Rm 4 South
Director of Land/ Dept. of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20090

4. Lyle Lavety 202-205-1706
14th and Independence Ave. - Rm. rn4c
Director of Recreation/ Dept. of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20090

5. Ron Blackley 202-720-3631
Chief of Staff for Mike Espy
14th and Independence SW
Rm 200-A
Washington, D.C. 20250

6. Bill Clinton (not from Thomas but...)

Thomas asks that you call first and then write - protesting the New
Forestry Service Regulations limiting Public Assembly on Forest
Service Lands.

I will keep you all updated as I get information. I will try and
get a copy suggested letters. Though the one from the original
posting to Mike Espy should give you an idea. Again please spread
this information as far and wide as possible and as quickly as you
can. Also if you know of any other list/group/individuals that are
interested in this please send me a copy of their e-mail address so
that I can get info out to them as soon as I get it in.

In the Spirit
ChIckEM of the HI-HO tribe.

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