I thought some folks might enjoy seeing the script. Keeping in mind this is a script to help farmer-teachers pass on the story to the children visiting the farm.
from Dragonfly
Do you know what a rainbow is, Yes, a beautiful bow of colors in the sky. A warrior is a brave person. One who has courage instead of being afraid.
Well, the Indians would tell this story to their children around the campfire. The story goes like this:
Well, children would come. And these children would love the animals, and they would bring back the animals. They would love trees, and they would bring back the giant trees. And these children would love other people and they would help people to live in peace with, each other. And these children would love the rainbow, and they would bring back the beautiful rainbow in the sky. For this reason the Indians called these children the rainbow warriors.
Now let me ask you a question. Do you love animals or hate animals? (We love animals.) Do you love trees or hate trees? (We love trees.) Do you love people or hate people? (We love people.) Do you love the rainbow or hate the rainbow? (We love the rainbow.)
Well, if you love animals and trees, people and rainbows, then maybe you are the rainbow warriors and that is a statue of you.