Deschutes and Ochoco National Forest. Prineville BLM

Project Name and Objective: LE Flight. To observe the Rainbow gathering at Indian Prairie

Anticipated Project Date: June 27 to July 15


Project Plan Prepared by. Name: (signed) David F. Johnson Title: Deputy I C

This Flight is Approved by: Chris Hice Unit Aviation Officer

Project Plan Reviewed by: (signed) John[?] Johnson[?] RAG Staff

Project Reviewed by: RAO

Note: Signature by preparer verifies that all personnel have the required training for the mission.
Note: Attach map for mission flights with aerial hazards and flight routes.
Note: Attach Cost Analysis.

Project Description:

The incident command team for the rainbow gathering has requested the use of OSP's aircraft for the purpose of observing a large area. USFS passengers must have the minimum training as stipulated in the attachment A qualified flight manager/chief of party will be on board. Only the aircraft and pilots stipulated in the attached letter of agreement may be used Flight following will be conducted through' OSP's dispatch system. COIDC will be notified of all flights in advance. so that the MTR's can be checked. A phone contact will be established between OSP and COIDC for the PURPOSE of flight information transfer for the duration of this project A weight and balance will be performed by the pilot prior to the mission. A King hand held programed to the Ochoco frees will be on board all flights. No off site site landings will occur.

- Note: The Law Enforcement Official in charge of this operation must document the names of the participants and verily that the required aviation training for mission type flights is in place.

Project Manager - Ann MelleO'Neill[?]

Supervision: Flight Manager - Chief of Party

Participants: Will change daily

QUALIFICATIONS: Chief of Party. Pt to Pt:

Resource Special Use Manager:

Helicopter Manager Other

Type of flight: Point to Point Mission Flight

Desired Aircraft Type: Helicopter Fixed Wing

Management Code: Billee Code:

OAS-23 FS-122 CWN BOA CostPerHour Ferry Time

Daily Availability RON Fuel Truck Mileage Extended Avail Projected Cost: NONE

Vendor OSP Phone# FAA # Make/Mode.

Aircraft Carded: Yes X No Color:
Pilot Carded: Yes X No Name:

Flight Following: FAA IFR
OSP dispatch check-in every 15 minutes

Request or Flight #

Search And Rescue Procedures: Contact dispatch. Follow the Pacific Northwest Crash. Search and Rescue Guide

Radio Frequency(ies) AM - FM

Resource Tracking: Phone Radio
Scheduling Dispatch Phone

Prior to take off
Each stop
Arrival at Destination
Phone # of Destination

Project Dates:
Start Time:
Ending Time:

Starting Location Prineville or Bend Runway length

Destination 44.45 120.23

Passengers: (With appropriate PPE)

Name: Dave Johnson
Name: Mike Lohrey
Name: John Carpenter
Name: Russ Aurther
Name: Ann Millie


Hazardous Material Yes ____ No ____

Special Instructions: ________________________________________

Is there an alternative method which would accomplish the mission more safely? ..X
Is everything approved with clear instructions?X..
Are communications and flight following established?X..
Can terrain, attitude. temperature or weather which would have an adverse effect be mitigated?X..
Will the mission be conducted at low levels? (below 500= AGL) .X.
Can the same objective be achieved by flying above 500= AGL?X..
Are all aerial hazards identified and known by all participants?X..
Have mitigating measures been taken to avoid conflicts with the military or civilian aircraft?X..
Have adequate landing areas been identified and/or improved to minimum standards?X..
Are all agency personnel qualified for the mission?...
Is the pilot carded and experienced for the mission to be conducted?X..
Are pilot flight and duty times compromised?.X.
Is there enough agency personnel to accomplish the mission safely?...
Will adequate briefings be conducted prior to flight?X..
Are all involved aware that the pilot has final authority but if any passenger feels uncomfortable that they can decline the flight without fear of reprisal?X..
Is the aircraft capable of performing the mission with a margin of safety?...
Is the aircraft properly carded?X..
Do all personnel have required PPE?..X

MTR's MOA'sCheck routes in advance. Practice Risk Management
Private AircraftSee and avoid
Airport trafficStay in radio contact. See and avoid
WeatherUse weather advisory. Maintain minimums
TerrainDo not place aircraft in performance related situations
Low level obstaclesComplete high level recon no unnecessary low level flight
Unimproved LandingsRecon LZ. Download first flight
Doors Off Heli OperationsUse harness. Remove loose items in cabin
Pilot not familiar with areaSupply hazard map. Complete high level recon prior to low level work
Noise. Rotor WashWear ear and eye protection
Internal. External LoadsHave trained personnel assigned to mission
Unplanned Aircraft EventsAll personnel equipped with PPE and trained in crash procedures
Hazardous MaterialsTrained personnel will handle
Non Aviation PersonnelMaintain control. provide through briefings
Communications (Lack Of)Establish Options

Justification Statement For Low-Level Flights: N/A

MTR Information:
Start Time:
Ending Time:
MSL: 6500
IR-342: AB BC CD DE EF FG GH X HIWhidby Island206-257-4310
IR-343: FG GH HI IJMountain Home208-828-6407
IR344: JK JK KL LMIdaho Air N Guard208-389-5303 5305
IR346: OJ JK KLA-10 Duty Desk206-984-2417
VR316: EF FG GH..
VR319: FG GH HI..
VR1301: CD DE EF..
VRI352: AB..
VR1353: 0102 02D X DE..
MOA Information: Aerial Refueling Routes
.AR-305AV South to North
LATN-EAST2AR-305BV North to South
JUNIPER NORTHAR-306AV North to South
.AR-306BV South to North

United States Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Region

319 S.W. Pine Street
P.O. Box 3623
Portland, OR 97208-3623

Reply To: 5700
Date: December 12, 1996

Sgt. John Hunsaker
Oregon State Police
107 Public Service Building
Salem, OR 97310

Dear Sgt. Hunsaker:

Oregon State Police (OSP) aircraft, N756CZ, N77CR, N333FE, N2459J, N2859K, and N93055, pilots Chris Culp, John Hunsaker, Roy Panter, Duane Price, Ken West, and Ray Granning are approved for surveillance and passenger transport flights with Forest Service personnel. Contract aircraft Citabria N53799, with pilot Ray Granning is also approved. We note that the payload capability of the Citabria is extremely limited indicating that careful payload calculations are required.

Surveillance flights must be conducted at no less than 500' AGL. Flight following, either with Forest Service or OSP dispatcher, is required for all flights except point-to-point. On point-to-point flights an FAA flight plan or flight following is acceptable.

We appreciate your support of our programs and for the high quality of service rendered.


/s/Bill Bulger
Acting Regional Aviation Officer

cc: Forest Supervisors, Oregon
LEI, Carla Jones

Forest Supervisors and Directors

b. Review annually, update as necessary, and submit two copies of the Forest Aviation Plan to the RAO for approval.

Ensure that all employees involved in the use or control of aviation resources receive training as appropriate for their level of decision making authority. (Dispatchers, Aviation Managers, Supervisors, etc.).

a. Employees who participate in special use flight activities or function as flight crew members shall receive annually the following:

(1) Prior year's Accident Analysis developed by the Regional Aviation Safety and Training Manager.

(2) Prior year's Mishap?Incident information developed by the Regional Aviation Safety and Training Manager.

(3) Review Aviation Plan.

(4) View Winds, Wires, and Weights video (helicopter only).

(5) Review Risk Assessment and Standard Aviation orders.

(6) Receive Chief of Party training.

(7) View Helosafe video (helicopter only).

b. Employees who utilize aircraft that are not included in a. above receive training as follows each 3 years.

(1) Passenger briefing:

(a) Safety around aircraft.

(b) Personal protective equipment.

(2) View Winds, Wires, and Weights video (helicopter only).

(3) Receive Chief of Party training.

(4) View Helosafe video (helicopter only).


Approved By:

JAMES DAMITIO - Assistant Director
DON JORDAN - Assistant Director
THOMAS J. LYONS - Regional Special Agent-In-Charge
WILLIAM V. BULGER - Acting Regional Aviation Officer


FOREST SUPERVISORS: The Forest Supervisor is responsible for all Forest Service aviation activities on their assigned Forest. Forest Supervisors will delegate authority to the Forest Aviation Officer to supervise, monitor, inspect, and train users of aviation resources.

The Forest Aviation Officer as designated by the Forest Supervisor, is responsible for general supervision and guidance of forest aviation management. All Forest Service aviation act ivities originating on and conducted within the Forest should tee' ordinated with /through the Forest Aviation Officer or designated representative.

FOREST AVIATION OFFICERS: The Forest Aviation Officer (FAO) will enforce aviation operations policy and standards and will initiate action for aircraft accident/incident reports and investigations. The FAO will monitor all aviation activities for compliance with FSM, Health & Safety Code and Federal Aviation Regulations.

DISPATCHERS: The Forest Dispatcher is a part of the forest aviation team. All aircraft ordered from commercial sources must be ordered through the Forest Dispatcher. Military and other cooperating agency aircraft flights, scheduled by the Special Agent In Charge, must be coordinated with the Forest Dispatcher.

1. rest Dispatcher will receive flight plans and flight follow all law enforcement flights, unless arrangements to flight follow have have been with other cooperating agencies providing aircraft service. . Flight following may also be' provided by a Law Enforcement Officer at project sites, if continuous contact with the aircraft being flight followed and appropriate dispatcher is maintained. (See Interagency Helicopter Operations Guide (IHOG) Chapters 4 and -1-6).

2. The Forest Dispatcher will schedule all administrative flights.

3. The Forest Dispatcher will initiate search and rescue operations required and notify the Forest Aviation Officer, Forest Special Agent, and Regional Special Agent In Charge, of any accidents or incidents. The Forest Dispatcher will coordinate with the military unit or other cooperating agency providing aircraft during search and rescue/downed aircraft operations. The crash, search and rescue guide shall be used to guide these operations.

HELICOPTER MANAGERS: A qualified Helicopter Manager will be assigned to manage all helicopter activities. The Helicopter Manager is responsible to the Project Officer/Incident Commander to accomplish the assigned task and responsible to the Forest Aviation Officer to ascertain that the operation is conducted in accordance Forest Service policy and procedure. (IHOG)

COUNTY SHERIFF: Counties occasionally own or rent aircraft for law enforcement activities. When activities extend to Forest Service lands, Forest Service Special Agents are often involved. Aircraft and pilots are required to be approved; commercially procured aircraft may already carry approval. County owned aircraft and commercial aircraft, not previously approved, are required to be approved specifically for the mission.

NON-APPROVED AIRCRAFT AND PILOTS: Occasionally, in emergency, it is necessary for Special Agents to ride in non-approved aircraft or with non-approved pilots. The Interagency Helicopter Operations Guide (Chapter 16, Paragraph V, B.) outlines the procedures to be following and "after action" reports required.



HAZARD MAPS: Hazard maps are available at each dispatch office and at each aviation operations facility. A copy of these maps should be obtained and reviewed prior to any aviation operation, ion, except airport to airport flights.

TEMPORARY FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS: Temporary Flight Restrictions ((TFR's)) are requested from and issued by the Federal Aviation Administration over fires and other natural disaster areas when several aircraft are participating in relief or firefighting activities. These restricted areas generally are 5 nautical miles in radius and extend from the surface to several thousand feet over the area. Prior to embarking on reconnaissance flights, the pilot and/or observer should contact the-nearest Flight Service Station and ask for any TFR's in effect in the area of operation. The telephone number is 800-992-7433, this number will automatically ring the Flight Service Station that serves the area called from. Significant Law Enforcement activity, several aircraft for several days in a specific area, may warrant a TFR. See (IHOG) Chapter 3, Paragraph K. for procedures.

PROJECT PLANNING: Project Planning must involve the Forest Aviation Officer early in the process. The (IHOG), Chapter 3, is a must in planning helicopter projects and can be used for planning airplane projects as well. Any project that is not listed in this aviation plan or on the Forest Aviation Plan of the host forest, must be approved by the Regional Aviation Officer in advance. (IHOG) Exhibit 3-3, page 3-25 should be used as the format for submitting an aviation operations plan. The Regional Helicopter Operations Specialist has been assigned the responsibility of receiving, reviewing and recommending approval to the Regional Aviation Officer. The telephone number is 541-548-8980 at the Regional Aviation Group. The Helicopter Operations Specialist will coordinate with the appropriate program officer as necessary, however consultation with the appropriate program officer, airplane or helicopter, early in the planning stage is also encouraged.

3 Contract or Commercial Aircraft: The project manager should keep start and stop times for each flight for verification of FS 6500-122 (Flight Invoice) and will be responsible for ensuring that the FS 6500-122 is complete and accurate before signing. The aircraft dispatcher is responsible for informing all contract and rental agreement pilots of payment procedures. Payments will be made by B&F upon receipt of the invoices. Contracts will follow the payment procedure specified in the Prompt Payment Act or as negotiated by the contractor.

4. Cost Analysis for Transportation Alternatives. A cost analysis for transportation alternatives must be documented prior to each administrative use of FS owned or chartered aircraft to ensure that such use is less expensive than other modes of transportation including available common carrier. FSH 5709-11, Chapter 13 provides the proper forms and instructions to complete and document the cost analysis.

COMMUNICATIONS: RAID aircraft are equipped with 9600 channel VHF-FM radios capable of being used for flight following. Other military aircraft will require the use of Forest Service hand-held radios patched into the aircraft's intercom system. The patching interface is normally provided by the military unit. Assistance in setting up these systems will be provided by the Avionics Technician at the Regional Aviation Group. Cooperating agency aircraft often will be equipped with compatible FM radio systems that may be utilized for air-to-ground contact. Air-to-air contact is best accommodated by use of VHF-AM radios, each aircraft, regardless of the source, will have this capability. Ground and air frequencies assigned to Forests and geographical areas of Region 6 are listed in the Aircraft Communication Plan and Frequency User's Guide.

LOST COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES: If Forest Service communication, on Forest Service flights fails, the pilot should contact the nearest airport by VHF radio and instruct the airport to call the forest dispatcher (collect) to report the communication difficulty. Once Forest Service communication has failed, reconnaissance or detection aircraft should proceed immediately to the nearest airport and check in by telephone.



Safety Objectives

Safety and risk management will be integrated into all phases of aviation operations to minimize or eliminate risks and hazards. Because of potential hazards, there will be extensive and regular inspections of aviation personnel, equipment, and operations. The frequency will depend on the volume of activity and changes in personnel and equipment.


5 CFR 610.123
5 CFR 550.112 (g)
5 CFR 551.422
FSH 6109.11 12.3 & 13.7

Insofar as practicable, travel during nonduty hours shall not be required of an employee. It is management's responsibility to determine the time and mode of ordered travel. When it is essential that the employee travel during hours for which they may not be compensated, the ordering official shall document the reason(s) for requiring the travel and provide the employee with a copy.

Compensable travel is a complex issue and requires that each situation be individually reviewed for proper application of Title 5 and FLSA rules and regulations. The following are just some of things that must be considered when determining if travel is compensable:

-Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status: exempt/nonexempt
-Official duty station
-Work schedule: basic, compressed, flexible
-Established work week and hours
-Was travel scheduled by management or was it employee preference
-Purpose for the travel: training, meeting, temporary assignment, fire incident
-Mode of transportation: by car, plane, boat, bus, foot, horseback, etc

ALL EMPLOYEES: For all employees (exempt and nonexempt) travel during established work hours is compensable. The Forest Service has determined that all travel to and from a fire incident is compensable as resulting from an event that could not be schedule or controlled administratively.

EXEMPT EMPLOYEES: In addition the following travel is compensable under Title 5 regulations (employees exempt from FLSA):

1.Travel that involves the performance of work while traveling. (Work that can only be performed while traveling)

2. Travel under arduous conditions including travel by foot, on horseback, in a vehicle not equipped to carry passengers, by bus not operated as a common commercial carrier, etc.

3. Travel to an event which could not be scheduled or controlled administratively

VII - 8


To determine if travel is performed on a day within employee's tour of duty and regular hours use:

"SCHEDULED TOUR OF DUTY" for employees under the 5 8-hour Day, Gliding Compressed and 1st 40 tours.

"PATTERN OF ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE" for employees under the Variable Day Variable Week, and Maxiflex schedules. (May be more than 8 hours/day).


Credit hours can only be accrued for compensable work time. Travel time which is not compensable under Title 5 or FLSA cannot be counted as credit hours earned.

In deciding whether or not travel is performed during regularly scheduled hours under the flexible schedules, use the pattern of arrival and departure:

1) Constant Pattern of Arrival. If the employee tends to arrive/depart within 5 to 10 minutes of the same time each day, use these times.

2) Predominant Pattern of Arrival. If the employee maintains a schedule in which one particular arrival/departure time dominates (e.g., 4 out of 5 days) use these times.

3) Variable Pattern of Arrival. If there is no discernible pattern in the employee's arrival/departure times, use an average over the previous 2-week period.

EXAMPLE 1: Employee works four 10 hour days always arriving at 0700 and departing at 17-30 with 1/2 hour for lunch. Travel within 0700 to 1730 (less lunch time) is within the regularly scheduled hours.

EXAMPLE 2: Employee works M-F 0700 to 1630, M-W 0700-1630, Th 0700-1530, with the second Friday as a "flex-day off". If travel occurs between 0700 and 1630 the first week or Monday through Wednesday of the second week, it is within regular scheduled hours. Travel on the second Thursday is within regular work hours only if it occurs between 0700 and 1530. Travel on the second Friday is the same as travel on Saturday or Sunday.

Work time before and after travel time may be compensable.

EXAMPLE 3: Employee's work schedule is 0730 - 1600. Arrive at the office at 0630, spend 15 minutes loading equipment in the vehicle, etc.; then start traveling. Return to the office at 1700, gas up the vehicle, unload it, put your equipment away, check your inbox, etc., leaving for home at 1730. If this is an exempt employee, the time from 0630-0645 is compensable work time; between 0645 and 0730 is nonwork time. Between 1600 and 1700 is nonwork time, and between 1700-1730 is work time. Be sure to deduct lunch time. If this is a nonexempt employee the time between 0630 and 1730 (minus lunch) is compensable.

(Synopsis of FPM Letters 551-10 and 551-11)

AUTHORIZED TRAVEL: Travel performed under the direction or control of the agency and for the benefit of the agency.

HOME TO WORK TRAVEL: Travel to and from ram work before or after the normal workday Is not considered hours worked However, If m e employee performs an activity as a requirement of the agency (I.e. performs work) while traveling to or from works, the time may be considered as hours of work.


(Both as a passenger and driver)

Time spent In authorized travel within the ODS during the regular workday counts as hours worked.

Time spent traveling within the ODS In performance of a specific Job assignment which serves to extend the regular workday Is also considered hours worked. Normal home to work travel and bona fide meal periods are deducted.


1. Working While Traveling Outside the ODS:

If an employee Is req uired to perform work while traveling at the request and on behalf of the agency, the travel time counts as hours worked. Example: If an agency requires an employee to drive a passenger vehicle to transport himself or others to a TDY, the time counts. Deduct bona fide meal periods, periods when the employee Is relieved of duty, and, under certain conditions, sheep periods.

2. Corresponding Hours:

Hours on nonwork days which correspond to the nonexempt employee's regular working hours Time spent traveling (as a passenger or driver) during corresponding hours of a nonwork day counts as hours of work.

Example: If an employee normally works from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, any travel performed by the employee between 8 a m. and 4:30 p.m. On Saturday or Sunday Is hours of work. Bona fide meal periods and periods of nonwork are deducted.

3. Travel to TDY on a ONEDAY ASSIGNMENT (Return Same Day):

Travel as a PASSENGER

Generally speaking, time spent traveling as a passenger on a oneday assignment to a TDY location Is hours of work under FLSA, regardless of when It occurs.

Examples: Normal waiting time at a common carrier terminal prior to scheduled departure time; travel time from scheduled departure of common carrier to arriver at terminal at point of destination; usual waiting time which interupts travel; travel time from terminal of destination to-TOY station; time traveling from home to common carrier terminal which Is in excess of normal home to York, provided terminal Is located outside the ODS limits; time traveling as a passenger In an automobile from home to TDY In excess of normal home to work travel time.

Travel as a DRIVER of a Passenger Vehicle

Time spent driving a passenger vehicle from home to a TDY station (or returning home from a TDY station) located outside the ODS limits Is hours of work. Deduct normal home to Work only If the travel is performed outside regular working hours and outside corresponding hours on a noneork day.


Travel as a PASSENGER

The time a nonexempt employee spent traveling as a passenger on an overnight assignment is counted as hours worked only If It occurs during regular working hours on a regular workday or during corresponding hours of nonwork day.

Time spent traveling outside regular work hours and outside corresponding hours on a nonwork day Is not considered hours of work.

Bona fide meal periods, excess waiting time at common carrier terminal etc are deducted from hours worked.

Travel as a DRIVER

Normal home to work travel time Is deducted from total travel time If an employee drives from his or her home directly to a TOY station located outside the limits of the ODS If the travel occurs outside regular working hours or outside corresponding hours on a nonwork day.

If the employee drives directly from home to temporary lodgings at the TDY station normal home to work travel time 15 not deducted. Also, mere Is no deduction of normal home to work travel time If all travel occurs within normal duty hours or corresponding hours on nonworking days.

ELECTION TO COMMUTE Rather than Remain at Temporary Lodgings At TDY Station

If an employee elects to commute between his home and the temporary duty station Instead of staying at temporary lodgings, only the travel time on the first day and the day of final return can count as hours of work. The dally commute Is considered normal home to work travel.


When an employee for personal reasons, such as an aversion to flying, does not use the mode of transportation selected by the employing agency, the employee shall be credited with the lesser of (1) the portion of actual travel time which Is considered working time, or (2) the estimated travel time which would be working time had the employee used the mode of transportatlon selected by the agency.


When an employee, for personal reasons, travels at a time other than the time. selected by the agency or for personal convenience travels by an Indirect route or Interrupts travel, the employee shall be credited with the lesser of (1) the portion of actual travel time which is considered hours of work, (2) the portion of estimated travel time that would have been considered hours of work had the employee traveled at the time and by the route selected by the agency.


When travel Involves 2 or mere time zones, the time zone from point of first departure for the workday Is used to determine whether the employee performed the travel during regular working hours or during corresponding hours

NON-EXEMPT (Covered by FLSA & Title 5)
EXEMPT (Covered by Title 5 only) Single DayMulti-Day
Covered by FLSA only = TC 23
Covered by Title 5 only = TC 24
Covered by Both = TC 21Title 5FLSA Title 5FLSA
(Outside corresponding hours)
(Within corresponding hours on a non-work day)
3. DRIVER (Whose job is other than a driver) NoYesNoYes
4. DRIVER (Job classified as a driver or hired just to drive) YesYesYesYes
(Within corresponding hours on a nonwork day) YesYesYesYes
(Outside corresponding hours) YesYesYesYes


It was extremely difficult to estimate the number of people at the Rainbow Gathering. We utilized a system of three traffic counters to calculate and confirm an estimated count. Two of the counters were historic in which we

could determine prior year counts in the same area. This was determined to be approximately 75 vehicles each day for the same time period. The third counter was placed on a cattleguard just below the main parking areas. We used this counter to determine the number of vehicles. We then assumed that 2/3 of the count did not cross the counter more than once. For example 2/3 of ; the vehicles crossed the counter once going to the Gathering and once leaving the gathering We further assumed that each vehicle held three people.

(Traffic Count) X (2/3) X (3 People) = Total People

Rainbow Family National Incident
June/July 1997
Ochoco I National Forest
.Traffic2/3 TrafficDaily(Veh * 3)Cumm
DateCountCountIncrease+ or - Total
6/27/97700470 47014101410

Historic records show that this traffic counter normally records approximately 75 cars per day. The 2/3 reduction takes this into account plus assumes that some traffic will return downhill.