1997 Oregon Rainbow Gathering Legal Styff
This is a collection of legal documents from the Oregon Gathering.
- Lawsuit filed against the Forest Service
- This is the lawsuit filed against the Forest Service by the people
that were cited by the Forest Service for not signing a permit.
- Filing to dismiss the preceeding lawsuit
- This is the filing the Forest Service made to have the preceeding
case dismissed.
- Motion to not dismiss the lawsuite
- This is the motion filed in opposition to the goverments motion to
dismiss the case.
- Seperate Motion to not dismiss the
- This is a seperate motion filed in opposition to the goverments
motion to dismiss the case by plaintifs Brian and Plunker.
- Case Citations
- This is a list of case citations being prepared for the Oregon case.
- Letter to Dombeck
- This is letter written by Plunker to Mike Dombeck, Chief United States
Forest Service, and hand-delivered by Sue.