Native American Prophecies
Many people feel the birth of the Rainbow Family was foretold many,
many years ago by various Native American tribes. Unfortunately, all
of these tales are Oral Histories, so the specifics vary from version
to version. About all we can do is compare the versions, and try to
get the basic "feel" of the prophecy.
Warriors of the Rainbow
This prophecy is the one that has become famous as it fortells
the birth of the "Rainbow Warriors", who will save the earth from
environmental destruction. Many people feel that we are these
Rainbow Warriors.
- The Rainbow Warrior
- A short story about what it means to be a "Rainbow
Warrior". This version comes from a farm in Ohio.
- Warriors of the Rainbow
- This version comes to us from Dr. Lelanie Fuller Anderson "The Cherokee
Lady", who has published several book on Indian Herbal Medicine. This
version she says was told to her as a young girl by here Grandmother.
Lakota Sioux Prophecies
- Black Elk's Vision
- This is a summarization of Black Elk's vision as retold in the
book "Black Elk Speaks". This talks alot about "Rainbows". and the
Rainbow Tribe of many colors.
Hopi Prophecies
The Hopi prophecies are probably the most famous, as they talk about
the "Age of Purification", and there are many people that believe the
signs foretold in this prophecy have happened in the last 50 years or
- Frank Waters Version
- This is probably the best known version of the Hopi Prophecy. This
is the version with that talks about the emergence of the Rainbow
Family. It goes "...This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth,
who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal
nations, to learn their ways and wisdom...."
- Thomas Banacyca Translation
- This is the version by Thomas Banacyca, one of the few hopi
allowed to translate the Hopi Prophecies to English. Most other folks
version are based on talks with him, so this is the original source.
- Address By Thomas Banyacya
- This is the text of a speech by Thomas Banyacya to the United
- Lee Brown Version
- This is from a talk given by Lee Brown at the 1986 Continental
Indigenous Council, Tanana Valley Fairgrounds, Fairbanks, Alaska. This
is an interesting version as it has parts of more modern history
interwoven with the Hopi prophecy about the 4 brothers.
Other Hopi Prophecy Web sites
- HOPI Prophecies of the
- This is a whole other web site on the Hopi Prophecies. Included on
this web site is information which discusses this prophecy from a
meeting in 1981 with the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Budhists also have a
similar prophecy, which was discussed when the Dalai Lama met with the
Hopi Elders a few years ago. There is also an interesting page on a
meeting between the Dalai Lama, and some Hopi Elders
- Hopi Sinom
- Historians, politicians and large numbers of corporate
shareholders would have us believe that America's Indian Wars are
over. The truth is, many of America's indigeneous people continue to
this day to assert their inalienable, aboriginal rights. At the
political, moral and spiritual center of this defiant resistance to
500 years of history, stands the Hopi Sinom -- the sovereign Hopi
- The Hopi Way
- Touch The Earth Foundation was founded in 1992. Our mission is to
provide education and instruction in cross-cultural customs and
beliefs. We are dedicated to the protection and preservation of Native
American wisdoms and traditions through a variety of hands-on
educational programs designed for people of all ages. Using ancient
teachings, stories, art and song to help people connect with their
environment and center their lives--thus promoting self-esteem, peace,
and unity.
Other Native American Stories
These are links to other sites that have other Native American Stories
that aren't prophecies.
- The Lost Tablet of the Hippie
- This is a true story about a mysterious carved tablet found in a
corn field on Rainbow Farm in Oregon, which was brought to the Hopi
elders just before the first Rainbow Gathering.
- Native
American Lore
- This is a great web site with a large collection of myths and